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Florist's Stall
Florist's Stall
Outdoor Furnishing 6070정도
![Florist[@SC]s Stall](http://cdn.eriones.com/img/icon/ls_nq/cd684289ef7.png)
Place this stall in your garden to play at florist whenever the mood takes you. | Desynthesizable: 415.00 (Alchemist) |
Desynthesizable:415.00 [ALC]
나무 식탁×1 [나무:26]
검은장막 걸이식 램프×1 [나무:19]
Dwarven Cotton×3 [법원:78]
Dwarven Cotton Thread×9 [법원:78]
Dwarven Cotton Boll×12 [원:80]
번개 크리스탈×9
번개 크리스탈×12
Yellow Tulips×2
팬지: 파랑×2
Growth Formula Kappa×4 [제련:76]
Hoptrap Leaf×8
Vampire Vine Sap×8
Underground Spring Water×4 [굴:80]
물 크리스탈×28
물 크리스탈×28
번개 크리스탈×28
![Florist[@SC]s Stall](http://cdn.eriones.com/img/icon/ls_nq16/cd684289ef7.png)
제작 정보
필요한 공정:1640 / 품질:2200 / 내구성:80